Kuppmen Artist

Stefan Maas (NLD)

Drummer at Van Halen Tribute 5150, Equisa, Sebas Honing, Joost MAGLEV, The Faction, Valleysound Bigband and freelance projects.

Stefan about the Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumsticks: ‘The sticks feel great. I’ve tried many different sticks. Then I discovered the Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumsticks. Although I have used many different drumsticks, the Carbon Fiber sticks became my first choice! They feel great, are comfortable and these sticks are more durable than wood. So for me, this is the new standard!!’

Stefan Maas plays with:

The rods are excellent to use in low volume musical situations. When playing, the Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumrods feel very comfortable because of the size, the weight and also the thickness. For example: A 5B Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumrod, feels the same as a 5B Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumstick. With the Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumrods you will get a better balanced unique drumsound.

- Stefan Maas