Kuppmen Artist

Antonio Pérez (ESP)

Freelance drummer. Current bands: Koliseum Orquesta, Nullius In Verba, Hot Rock and Deotros (tribute to Extremoduro)

Antonio about the Kuppmen Carbon Fiber Drumsticks: ‘Of all the carbon fiber sticks that I have tried, the Kuppmen sticks by far are the best sticks.
They are most similar to the wooden sticks I have tried. The weight and balance is the same. What I like best is that at certain moments I can hit hard without being afraid to break the sticks, they always sound and feel the same, they never splinter and they are so much more durable than wooden sticks! I advise all drummers to prove it!’

Antonio Pérez plays with:

About the rods: ‘The sound and feel is perfect. I really like the rebound. The ones I use the most are the 5A models, they work very well for delicate songs, although when I want more intensity I use the 5Bs and they are great too!’

- Antonio Pérez